Banco de dados de Hardware Compatíveis
Our hardware database allows you to check the compatibility of your hardware with the Mandriva Linux operating system. The certified hardware has the highest level of compatibility.
Please note that the hardware database is constantly being fed and does not include absolutely all the hardware available nowadays.
Up until now, most Linux drivers have been developed by members of the Linux community. If you do not find your specific hardware device listed in our compatibility list, you may search the web with the keywords "mandrake linux" and the name of your hardware device. If you are sure the hardware device you are looking for is not supported yet under Linux, please contact your hardware vendor and ask them if they provide a driver for Mandriva Linux: if they do not, please request that they develop one.
Please, use the following form to obtain informations about your hardware
Legal Disclaimer
The Mandriva Linux Supported Hardware database contains information about hardware devices that have been tested and/or have been reported to function properly with Mandrivalinux. Due to the wide variety of system configurations, Mandriva cannot guarantee that a specific device will work properly on your system.
Additional sources for Mandriva Linux hardware support
All supported hardware are not listed in the Mandriva Linux hardware database. Other sources of informations are available. In particular we recommend the excellent printer database at
Certification Request Form
We invite manufacturers wishing to have their product certified to download the following
Once completed, the form should be sent to fax number + You'll be then contacted by the MandrivaLabs team.
Hardware Database contact (Business customers only)
The email address provided below is not intended for support purpose. In case you need installation or technical help, first purchase support incidents and use Mandriva Expert.
If you're a manufacturer and your product isn't referenced in our Hardware database, please feel free to send a message to .
This email address is not intended for support purpose, it is proposed to professionals wishing to have their products referenced.
If you want to purchase Mandriva products or services, including latest versions of Mandriva Linux or support incident packs, please have a look at our Online Store.