
Ever since the creation of Mandriva, the company has been maintaining ever closer relations with schools and universities. It has indeed been providing educational tools and services that can easily fit the teachers' and the pupils/students' needs.


  • Mandriva Academia : This solution addresses the needs of universities, scolar tructures and research centers. It is a cheap and easy method to deploy andriva Linux on a whole site and the one year lasting program covers the eneral public version broadcasted during this time.
  • Mandriva Edutice. This latter born server proposes a comprehensive set of programs, exercices and games that can be used by a whole class under the authority of a teacher. Highly scalable, this product notably enables the teachers to restrict the access to some programs and to “freeze” the screen whenever they need the full attention of the class.
  • Mandriva's digital school bag. This set of educational software programs can be installed on any Mandriva distribution including Edutice. It notably aims at helping pupils discovering the information and communication technologies.
  • Mandriva Flash. This small USB device contains a Mandriva distribution on which a digital school bag can be installed, thus enabling pupils/students to use it at school as well as at home. Moreover, the memory space also available on this device can be used to save all the work done by its user.
  • Mandriva's etraining website. Mandriva proposes educational material (courses/fieldwork/exercises) which can be used by teachers as well as students. The proposed Linux courses are generic courses that do not deal exclusively with the Mandriva distribution.
  • Preparation to the Mandriva certification. Mandriva has concluded partnerships with computer engineering schools to promote the free software philosophy. To follow that goal, the company prepares students every year to the Mandriva certification: it provides manuals and examination material and organizes exams.

Interested by one of these products and/or services? By a partnership with Mandriva? Contact our Education department at education_AT_mandriva_DOT_com.