Research activities in Mandriva
The goal of R&D at Mandriva is to globally improve the user experience, be it for a professionnal or a home Mandriva user. To achieve this goal we have a two-pronged approach
- provide all tools for the distribution production in order to improve development speed, distribution quality (stability, easy and smooth installation and upgrade)
- provide all tools for managing the information "massification". By massification, we mean the number of user, of machines, of information an organisation or a user is managing today.
All the projects
The list of project in which Mandriva is implied today is the following:
- EDOS : Environment for the Development and Distribution of Open-Source Software. EDOS proposes innovative solutions for dealing with three key processes at stake in the production of a Linux distribution: (i) software dependency management, (ii) automated and manual testing, (iii) code and binaries distribution over the Internet. The expected benefit is a dramatic increase of the engineering productivity of Linux editors. More details ...
- ENERGY : In the context of heterogeneous networks, the project‘s goal is to create a monitoring system including a decision engine. This solution will allow to supervise elements of different types of networks (industrial, telecom, multimedia), automatically discover new devices and provide for automated reconfiguration in order to optimise the ongoing processes.
- GGCC : Global GCC integrates in gcc functions to do structural analysis, static checking and micro and global optimisation. The infrastructure used in gcc is used in order to be sure to have the same scope as gcc. The tools will work on the same language as gcc (C, C++, java and in the future other gcc languages). More informations here.
- ECONFIDENTIAL : trusted security for sensitive applications. Ensuring protection from service provider to end user. The goal of the €-Confidential project is to establish a safe and trustworthy security platform for multiple service service applications to protect end users from the growing number of threats.
- QUALIPSO : the QualiPSo consortium intends to define and implement the technologies, processes and policies to facilitate the development and use of Open Source software components, with the same level of trust traditionally offered by proprietary software.
- NEPOMUK - The Social Semantic Desktop : the goal of the project is to develop a comprehensive solution for extending the personal desktop into a collaboration environment which supports both the personal information management and the sharing and exchange across social and organizational relations. This solution is called the "Social Semantic Desktop". More details ...
- SCOS : Scientific Computing has to enter the world of industrialized solutions. Shared standards and interoperability should be the rule, no the exception any. This is the aim of the SCOS project: make the scientist's life easiest, sharing tools and results with its colleague when needed.
- XTREEMOS : Building and Promoting a Linux-based Operating System to Support Virtual Organizations for Next Generation Grids (2006-2010). The XtreemOS project aims at investigating and proposing new services that should be added to current operating systems to build Grid infrastructure in a simple way. XtreemOS targets the Linux well-accepted open source operating system extending it to Grid with native support for virtual organizations. One of the most important challenges in XtreemOS is the identification of the basic functionalities which are to be embedded in the Linux kernel.
- XWIKI Concerto : XWiki Concerto aims at evolving the open-source XWiki engine toward a P2P architecture supporting mobility, offline work and replication of content across a large number of peers. This research work will allow XWiki (i) to support mobile workers in their daily collaborative activities, using an efficient and secure solution supporting replication and synchronization of the content (ii) to run on a fault tolerant P2P architecture allowing to scale to millions of users. More details ...
Training periods
All current training periods related to research activities are described here. Please check and send your candidature to or .