
Privacy Policy

Mandriva is committed to respecting the privacy of our customers and website visitors. Below you will find our policies regarding privacy and the collection of personal data; we believe it is important that you know how we collect personal information and what we do with it.

What personal data do we collect?

Various information is collected in different areas of the website; what follows is an overview of the data we keep:

  • We record email addresses when an individual subscribes to any mailing lists hosted on our servers. Mailing lists allow participants to exchange information related to our distribution; these same email addresses also allow us to send customized news to the participants.

  • When registering a purchased product, we ask for personal information as well as system/hardware details so that we may deliver the best support services customized to your needs.

  • When testimonials are submitted detailing examples of Mandriva Linux usage, we ask for as much information about the testimony that may be of help to the reader. It is your choice whether to remain anonymous or to include a name and other personal information.

  • Companies who register to become partners with Mandriva must provide information about their business activities as well as the name and job title of a contact person. We need contact information in order to fulfill our partnership responsibilities.

  • On our donation page, we record data for billing purpose, we do not store any credit card data.

What do we do with this information?

We never share personal information with other persons or companies - we use this data strictly for the following purposes:

  • If you have subscribed to a mailing list, we keep this email address in our database to provide you with customized information and/or to enable you to participate in discussions in various mailing lists. If you send a message to such a list, other people will see your email address but no external parties have access to our database of subscribers. At any time you may unsubscribe to any list by using the appropriate form.

  • If you provide information when registering a purchased product to receive support, we keep this information private unless the information is required by one of our partners to deliver the support you require.

How to change your personal data?

According to French law, individuals have the right to access, to correct, to modify or to remove their own personal data that we have on record. We offer this as a worldwide privilege. You may execute this right at any time by sending an email to

Mandriva is registered with the CNIL (French Commission for Computing and Freedom) as declaration number 703741.