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MandrakeSoft launches MandrakeFreq, its innovative "frequent release" of the Linux-Mandrake distribution

Wednesday March 21 2001

In response to the ever growing expectations of its community, MandrakeSoft launches MandrakeFreq, an innovative programme allowing users to test the new features of the Linux-Mandrake distribution in between each official release.

These distributions, downloaded from web or available on Cds will be released periodically. As opposed to "Cooker", MandrakeSoft's experimental distribution, MandrakeFreq's new features will be on a stable basis. These distributions are tested but are not considered as officially supported by MandrakeSoft, as they may contain bugs and beta programmes.
The first version of MandrakeFreq is available on the web now and contains in addition to the official updates:

  • KDE 2.1, features a long list of enhancements on the 2.0 release. Most important are enhancements to Konqueror, the multi-purpose file manager and fast Web Browser, KMail a full featured mail program, kicker, the taskbar,...
    Read the KDE changelog for a full list of changes: http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelog2_0to2_1.html

  • XFree86 4.02 with support for the latest video cards. You can get a full list on XFree86 site . http://www.xfree86.org/4.0.2/Status.html

  • Mozilla

To download MandrakeFreq, please visit : http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/ftp.php3#freq