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Febuary 14th - 2004

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Note to shareholders: To clarify recent information about Hearst Lawsuit

Mandriva wishes to apologize to its shareholders for an error in its last shareholder report: The court judgment in the Hearst lawsuit does not order the company to change its name.

Independently, we have immediately appealed the court decision. The appeal process could last up to 3 years, during which time we keep our domain names.

We would like to insist on the fact that this last court decision is just one event in a long process that has been going on for 4 years and could potentially last many more.

About Mandriva

Mandriva is a leading Linux and Open Source Software (OSS) editor. (OSS source code is freely accessible according to the GPL, the General Public License). Mandrivasoft develops and distributes the Mandriva Linux operating system. Hundreds of developers around the world contribute to the continuous improvement of the product via Internet and contribute to its internationalization (with more than 67 languages available). The company also provides related on-line and off-line services including consulting, education, support, and the Mandriva Club.
Mandriva has offices in France, USA and Canada.

Since July 30th , 2001, the company is listed on Euronext March Libre and OTC US

Euroclear : FR00004159382 (previously 4477)
Reuters : MAKE.PA
Number of shares : 3,666,953

Contact Mandriva
Jacques Le Marois/ Thierry Bossut
investors @ mandrakesoft . com

For additional information: mandriva.com/company/investors/newsletter

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