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October 17th - 2002

This letter is intended to provide Mandriva Shareholders with the latest news of the company.

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Substantial Revenue Growth

Consolidated Revenues 2001/2002: + 28%


2000/2001 (*)

2001/2002 (*)


First half year (*)




Second half year




Yearly revenue




(*) Unaudited consolidated figures

Mandriva consolidated revenues for fiscal year 2001-2002 increased by 28% to 4.6 ME. This performance, during a time of particularly difficult market conditions throughout the software industry, is the result of successful new product lines: online sales at Mandriva Store, income from OEMs, and Mandriva Users Club. Together these have generated 43% of the overall revenue, compared to 11% in the last fiscal year.

This increase in income, in addition to several significant cost-reduction actions, should allow for a major reduction in net operating loss for fiscal year 2001-2002.

About Mandriva

Mandriva is one of the leading distributors of Linux and open source software (unrestricted access to the source code according to the GPL - General Public License). Mandriva develops and distributes the Mandriva Linux operating system.

Large numbers of developers around the world, using the Internet, continuously enhance the product and extend its internationalization (now more than 50 languages available). The company also provides related off-line services (consulting, education, support) as well as on-line services (e-support ).

Euroclear : 4477.PA
Reuters : MAKE.PA
Number of shares : 3 407 661
Mandriva contacts

Jacques Le Marois / Thierry Bossut
investors @ mandrakesoft . com

For additional information: mandriva.com/company/investors/newsletter

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