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Web translation effort

Mandriva Linux is one of the most internationalized Linux distribution currently available. It supports more than 60 languages! Our website is also available in numerous different languages since we know that users don't all speak English! This great result can be achieved because hundreds volunteers like to translate parts of the system to their mother tongue.

If you want to join this community effort, and work on Mandriva Linux's websites translations or the Mandriva Linux's community newsletter, ! (weblocales (at) mandriva (dot) com)

Joining the translation community effort is the best way to provide information on Linux in your language and advertize Free Software solutions in your country. It's also an excellent opportunity to meet friends from all over the world!

Ongoing projects:

  • Spanish translations are currently re-dynamised by a team of new translators.

  • The Hebrew website translations are outdated! Contact us to volunteer!