instalacion de camara web
tengo una webcam GENIUS look 313 media multifuncional y no se como instalar el software en mandriva spring 2008.1 y tampoco se si es compatible con este sistema operativo...
ASUS eeepc 701 ecran trop petit
Bonjour, Mon écran (800x450) est trop petit pour afficher les fenêtres et m'empêche d'en valider certaines nécessaires à la configuration. Peut-on étendre l'un des bureaux à une taille supérieure à celle de l'écran ? Merci, Mayonaise...
ASUS eeepc 701 ecran trop petit
Bonjour, Mon écran (800x450) est trop petit pour afficher les fenêtres et m'empêche d'en valider certaines nécessaires à la configuration. Peut-on étendre l'un des bureaux à une taille supérieure à celle de l'écran ? Merci, Mayonaise...
bonjour, je n'arrive pas a configurer la webcam, linux ne la reconnait pas alors que c'est une cam logitech merci de me renseigner et m'expliquer comment réaliser ce projet...
Connection pppoe impossible
Bonjour, Impossible de configurer la connexion à internet. Linux me répond que le paquetage rp-pppoe n'est pas installé. J'ai essayé de l'installer, mais Linux me réclame le paquetage ppp-2.4.1 ou supérieur. J'ai alors tenté d'installer le paquetage ppp...
how do I get my headset to work on USB. All work ok on XP...
CD Installation?
Hi there, I'd like to buy a Sping 2008 power pack but my laptop only has a CD ROM. Can you advise which ISO download I can buy to burn & boot from please? Thank you Ben...
Menu Shortcuts
I have used Easy URPMI to add media in rpmdrake and any programs that I install from non standard media installs but does not put shortcuts in the KDE menu.Can anyone tell me how to get the shortcuts into the menu.I am very new to linux so please be gentl...
UNable to boot from flash drive
When I attempt to boot from the flash drive all I get is the word Grub. I have been able to boot various live linux usb drives based on Mandriva 2007, using vesa video mode. I have attempted to boot using the cd but loading the OS freezes half way throu...
I purchased the USB-Stick and would like to use it on my DELL Inspiron 1720. The problem is that the sound does not work. As I am a Linux newbie I do not have the slightest idea how to make it work. My sound chip is an Intel 82801H ICH8 family HD audio ...
Test Expert
This is a test...
logitech mouse stops working
for some reason my optical mouse wont work how do you fix this?...
cannot boot the system
do you have instructions as to how to boot a system that has no os not even dos? I need to load the cd drivers so the software will load. thanks...
Mounting floppy disk drive
When I can get Linux to accept the file system it is no problem to mount floppy disks manually in the konsole. But earlier floppy disks were mounted automatically and could be directly reached in Konqueror. I have worked on /etc/fstab to make this ...
Connection denied
I have a local area network of three machines. I have both Mandriva Linux 2008.0 and different Windows installed on all of them. I thought that I should first try to make Samba work between them when they are all in Linux. In Konqueror when I push "S...
SHARING a USB printer in peer to peer network
I have been trying to use an HP printer with several computers in a peer to peer network, either with a 4 port hub or a 16 port switch. I cannot get other computers to see it or use it other than the one computer connected directly to the printer with a ...
Ich versuche meinen Drucker unter CUPS im Mandriva 2008.Powerpack einzurichten. Allerdings will CUPS, das ich mich anmelde. Aber weder mein root-Kennwort noch das User-Kennwort werden akzeptiert. Wer weiss Rat?...
probleme mot de passe
Bonjour, j'ai un probleme, en faite j'étai entrain de créer mon compte utilisateur linnux sur la clé usb mais quand je voulais rentré le mot de passe sa ne marchai pas. Comment faire pour re mettre tout a zéro comme quand je l'ai recu? Cordialement...
Error No CDROM device found
Hello, RE: Mandriva Linux release 2008.0, Oct 4 2007 I am unable to install on a Dell Vostro 200 Desktop. First I will list the Dell Vostro 200 hardware and second I will explain the error. If it's of any consequence I am also unable to install ...